12 September 2008

Numero Uno

Nothing too exciting going down today. It was a great day today temperature wise so I walked down to Woolworths in the Westfield. Needed the basic staples: fruit, bread and doritos for the Swans finals match tonight on telly. Not too thrilling a walk, spent most of the time having fake conversations with figments of my imagination to keep myself entertained...

Went to the beach as well for 40 minutes. Just walked for a bit. Saw the life guards from Bondi Rescue. It made me smile. It's supposed to be great weather tomorrow so I'll have to hit the beach and maybe even go in the water (GASP...I've been here for 6 months and have yet to actually go in the water past my ankles. Stupid fear of fish...) 

Sunday should be great as well. Festival of the Winds is going on and I'm going to be totally jealous that I don't have a kite to fly!

But for tonight...I have a date in front of the TV with Adam Goodes and the Sydney Swans taking on the Western Bulldogs.

 I know, you're jealous.

Current Obsessions:
  • "Single" New Kids on the Block
  • Adam Goodes
  • Banana Buzz Smoothies (with soy milk) from Boost
  • Season 4 of Prison Break

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